Saturday, September 14, 2013

Unit2. Paragraph Patterns Portfolio Overview

Unit 2: Paragraph Patterns Portfolio Overview 

4 different patterns of paragraphs + avoiding plagiarism

(20% of final grade)

NOTE: Please use the template for Paragraph Portfolio

Grading Rubric for Unit2
Grading Rubric for Unit2 Updated

Task: Each week you will read a short article and learn one pattern of organization. You will then write a paragraph incorporating the skills you learned and information from the article you read. There will be 3 paragraphs in total, and you will have the opportunity to revise them based on teacher feedback and then submit all of them at the end of the unit for a final grade on the whole “portfolio”, or collection, of all 3 of your paragraphs.

Formatting Requirements: Font Times New Roman, Size 12, Double-spaced, 1-inch margin from all sides

Source Requirements: You will read 3 short articles all related to one theme; one article will be assigned every Monday throughout this unit. You must use the article assigned for the particular pattern. You may use additional sources as long as they are academic.

THEME: Health

1. The difference between organic and conventional foods

     Scott, E. (2012, September 24). Common causes of stress in college. 
     Retrieved from

3. Reading Discussion: Vaccine Production Process 
    Writing Assignment: Writing Process

Submission Instructions: 

Combine all of the paragraphs in ONE document file.
Name the file Paragraph Patterns Portfolio. Save/upload the file into the Unit2. subfolder of your Google Drive. 

Plagiarism Disclaimer: Every Friday throughout this unit, you will learn one new component for how to avoid plagiarism. You will be evaluated heavily on your ability to incorporate these skills, and any final drafts of your portfolio that contain plagiarism, even if unintentional, will lose many points.


1st draft Compare/Contrast paragraph due Day 15
1st draft Cause/Effect paragraph due Day 18
1st draft Process paragraph due Day 21
Final draft (all 4 revised paragraphs) Paragraph Portfolio due due Oct. 20th, Sunday, 11:59PM

ESL 111, Unit 2: Second Reflective Paragraph

Student Assignment Prompt (5% of final grade)

Purpose and Type of Assignment: In reflective paragraphs and essays, students use metacognition (or self-reflective thinking) to examine their own writing. Because many students are not used to this type of reflection, they often use very cursory or surface-level metacognition. When assigning reflective essays, the instructor may modify the assignment as s/he sees fit.
Task: Under the instructor’s guidance, you will think critically about your writing experience in completing the Paragraph Portfolio Project.  You will ask yourself questions about your previous knowledge of plagiarism compared with your current knowledge, what experiences in writing over the past few weeks were most influential in your writing and why, what your strengths and weaknesses are in writing and why you think they are, and how you think you can continue improving as a writer.
Formatting Requirements: This is at least one paragraph of around 300 words.  It should be typed in Font Times New Roman, size 12, and double-spaced.  Instructors may vary the specifics.
Source Requirements: You are not required to use any source material, but you may reference any of your writing or your instructor’s feedback.  Your instructor will communicate how s/he wants you to cite this material.
Plagiarism Disclaimer: Plagiarism is unacceptable.  Any essay that contains plagiarism, even if unintentional, will lose many points and likely result in a conference with the instructor over the ramifications of the plagiarism.

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