Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day8: Achieving Cohesion

Objectives: We will be able to...
  • Understand the concept of cohesion and its role in writing a paragraph. 
  • Recognize six different types of cohesive devices. 
  • Use different types of cohesive devices in their writing.

Introduction to Cohesion (20min)
Let's get familiar with the concept of cohesion in writing.
  • Why do we need to achieve cohesion? 
  • How is different from coherence?

Feedback on Outlines (10min)
Emerging problems in your outlines:
  • Clear for interpretation by another reader, not just the author him/herself.
  • Weak and incomplete thesis statement.
    Remember the two-part thesis statement
  • In formal outlines, you should be specific enough.
    This is not an actual essay, but it should be clear enough
    to show you what you are going to write in an actual essay.
  • You are NOT required to have two sub-points in a paragraph.
    There were some poorly selected sub-point, which is just there to fill the space.
  • Please think what P-I-E means once again.
    I and E can be confusing, but remember that "E" does not mean "examples" here.
  • Please keep it in your mind that you are writing an academic essay.
    Your essay should be discussing the topic with analytical and critical reasonings.

PIE Practice and Achieving Cohesion (20min)
1. Start revising the outline.
    Final outline and revised essay (Major Assignments for Unit 1.)
    are due Sep. 22nd, Sunday, 11:59 PM
2. Start today's homework. 2 

Homework due Sep. 15th, Sunday, 11:59PM
1. Writer's Help Exercise: TRANSITION

2. Revise one body paragraph of your diagnostic essay.
    The revised paragraph or newly written paragraph should be COHESIVE.
    It also should contain one PIE.

Name your assignment "CohesiveBodyParagraph_PIE_YOURNAME"
Please save the file into your Google Drive folder, called Unit1.
For your homework, you may read the diagnostic prompt and article once again.

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