Monday, September 2, 2013

Day4: Interpreting Writing Prompts

Objectives: We will be able to....
  • Recognize the importance of interpreting writing prompts in at a pre-writing stage.
  • Learn what kinds of information to look for when interpreting writing prompts (e.g. type of writing, topics, audience, purpose, source requirements, length, format, and grading criteria, due date, organization/structure of the paper) 
  • Make an effective plan for writing by studying three sample writing prompts.

Things to Check (5-10min.) 
How to Use Google Drive and Engrade

Understanding Writing Prompts (10-15min.)
Read the following 3 sample writing prompts for different types of writing assignments and answer the questions.

1)    What is a “writing prompt”?
2)    What kinds of information does a prompt typically provide?

Analyzing Sample Writing Prompts (30-40min.)
Analyze the sample writing prompts based on the criteria given in your handout. 
Note that certain information may be missing in some writing prompts.   

Homework due Sep. 5th Thursday, 11:59PM
Review one of the syllabi from other courses you are taking this semester.
Analyze ONE of the major writing(or speaking or presentation) assignment prompts by using the criteria from "Analyzing Writing Prompts" handout. (Please download the file.)
You can just complete the handout within ONE page.
Name the file "HW_Analyzing Writing Prompts_YOURNAME"
Please save your homework to your Google Drive folder shared with me.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me, or contact me.

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