Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day3: Positive Writing Experiences

Objectives: We will be able to...
  • Identify and discuss common stumbling blocks and bad habits for academic writing
  • Discuss and recognize good writing habits and strategies to overcome difficulties in academic writing
  • Recognize general process of writing

Things to Check: 
  • Google Drive Folder, How to Check Feedback
  • Writer's Help Textbook Purchase
  • Engrade and grade on homework/assignments.

Ice-breaker (10-15 min)
"Two Lies and One Truth"
Describe yourself briefly to your group members. Present your three statements. Let classmates guess which one is a lie.

Stumbling Blocks in Academic Writing (15min)
In your groups, talk about your experiences with diagnostic essay writing, based on Google Docs. Then do the role-play activity in groups of four. Complete the discussion handout after acting out four types of writers.

Writing Process (15min)
If time allows: Arranging the stages for writing process in the right order.
Think about tasks, do's and don'ts. Complete the chart altogether as a whole class.
If not: Video clip about Writing Process.

Homework due Sep. 3rd, Tuesday, 11:59PM
Reflective essay #1  (2.5% of you final grade)

In class, we discussed potential ways to achieve a more positive writing experience. Common writing pitfalls and bad habits were addressed. In addition, we briefly covered the various steps taken in the writing process and discussed how these steps can improve our overall writing quality.

Write a reflective essay based on the questions below:

  • What was the most positive writing experience in your academic (school) life,
    either in your own language or in English, or both? Please be specific.
  • What kinds of events or actions led you to experience positive writing?
    If you received any help, who helped you and how?
  • What process did you go through?
    Please elaborate on each steps by describing what you actually did and why you did.

Name your paper as "Reflection1_Your First Name" and upload it in the Google Drive folder you shared with me. The length of the paper should be approximately 300-500 words, double spaced.

Note: If you have never had any positive writing experience before, you may answer the same questions above based on a bad writing experience.

For any assignments that you submit, put the following information at the top of your first page or on the title page.

Student Name
Course Title and Section
Instructor Name
Semester and Year

Eunice Nam
ESL 111 P
Jane Smith
Fall 2013

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