Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day31: Peer Perception

Objectives: We will be able to...
  • Apply the knowledge and skills we gained in peer perception training to actual peer perception.
  • Edit the first draft based on the comments from your peers. 
Free Writing

Peer Perception
  1. Open your first draft of RA essay on the left side of the computer screen. 
  2. Save the file as "RA_FirstDraft_Peer_YOURNAME" on the computer.(Never forget to upload the file into your folder later at the end of class.)
  3. Then, open the Day31_PeerPerception Template in your Unit3 folder Google Drive on the right side. 
  4. Switch computers. Reviewer, be sure to list your name in the document.

Remember, you aren't there to 'judge' their essay. You are the receiver. Read the paper and try to understand it. When you notice something that hinders your understanding, try to diagnose the difference between their intention and your perception. In this way, it's not about what is wrong with the paper; it's about the effectiveness of delivery.

How to be an effective reviewer:

  • Don't answer questions with 'yes' or 'no'. EXPLAIN.
  • Be positive, but be honest.
  • Look for weaknesses AND strengths.

Editing your own work: Sometimes it's difficult to review your own work because you've spent too much time looking at it. Go through the peer review comments carefully! Don't dismiss them right away if you don't agree. Think about WHY the reader felt the way that they did. Look also at your strengths and think about how you can continue to perform well on future essays.

Finally, use 
this rubric to help you check your own essay. 
When you are checking for sentence-level issues, read your paper backwards, one sentence at a time.

Nov. 8th FRIDAY will be "LIBRARY DAY."
We will meet at the plaza level of the UGL.

Homework due Saturday, Nov. 9th, 11:59PM
1. Based on the feedback, revise the first draft and save it as "RhetoricalAnalysis_Seconddraft_YOURNAME"

Individual Conference

2. Schedule the individual conferences. 
Please go to the following Google Docs, and choose the time slot that works best for you.
  • Submit your second draft of RA 24 hours BEFORE your conference.
  • If you want to make any changed for the schedule, you need to talk to me at least 24 hours BEFORE the conference. 
  • Please bring the preparation form filled with questions.
  • Also please read this rubric again before the conference. There will be a short discussion to find out how much you understand the rubric this time.
  • The location will be notified soon. You need to pay attention to may emails. 
We are going to cancel two classes. 
Nov. 15th, Friday  
Why? To give you time to revise your RA and complete the final version.

BUT I will save one class for some other time. Let's pick the best day for everyone.

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