- write full sentences based on the main ideas of the source article with the use of required vocabulary (cause/effect transitional phrases and verbs)
- practice inferring the main ideas from the source article applicable to their paragraph writing
- write an outline of the cause/effect paragraph on the assigned topic
Create your story of cause and effect.
Let's share your stories!
Click here to access the Google Doc.
Discussion on Readings
1. Submit YOUR OWN SUBHEADINGS for Common Causes and Impacts of Stress in College.
2. In groups, answer the discussion questions on the article.
3. Debriefing as a whole class.
Create Your Own Outlines Using Visual Charts
Outline your paragraph.
Choose ONE between CAUSES and EFFECTS of stress among college students.
Language of Cause and Effect
Homework due Oct. 3rd, Thursday, 11:59PM
1. Outlining
Outline your paragraph.
Choose ONE between CAUSES and EFFECTS of stress among college students.
Outline your paragraph.
Choose ONE between CAUSES and EFFECTS of stress among college students.
- Name the file "CauseEffect_Outline_YOURNAME".
- Save/upload the file into the Unit2. subfolder of your Google Drive.
2. Email Eunice
Email me at eunicenam84@gmail.com.
In the email, introduce your high school in 3-5 sentences.
3. (Optional) Recommended Reading
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