Saturday, September 14, 2013

Unit4. Oral Presentation

Unit 4: Oral Presentation Overview
Student Assignment Prompt (15% of final grade)

Grading Rubric

Purpose: This assignment is designed to help students develop sensitivity to rhetorical situations and strategies in order to interpret and communicate persuasive messages more effectively. It also aims to help students practice critical thinking, summarizing, analyzing, and evaluating.
Type of Assignment: Effective presentation skills are necessary for all undergraduate students because you will be required to give presentations in your other courses. In addition, effective presentation skills will help you in workplace situations after you graduate, such as job interviews. This unit will show you the parallels between American style academic writing and American style academic presentations.
Task: You will create and present a 5-7 minute oral academic rhetorical analysis of a commercial or advertisement. This presentation should follow the same format and skills learned in Unit 3: Rhetorical Analysis Essay. You will pick a short commercial and analyze it answering the following questions:
  • Who is the intended audience?
  • What is the purpose of the commercial? What is the product, cause, message that they are trying to persuade?
  • What kinds of rhetorical appeals and strategies are used?
  • How effective are the strategies?
You should briefly summarize the rhetorical situation of the commercial and/or play up to 1 minute of the advertisement, then present your overall evaluation of the rhetorical strategies used, and support your argument with logic and evidence.
Source Requirements: Outside sources can be used, though not required, to support their arguments. All sources used must be documented in APA style.  
Plagiarism Disclaimer: Both intentional and unintentional plagiarism should be dealt with harshly at this point of the semester. Consequences vary from instructor to instructor, however, ALL A-level final drafts must be completely free from plagiarism. Passing/failing a student should be seriously considered if they are not understanding the seriousness of plagiarism and/or how to avoid it.
Deadline: Upcoming Events and Homework Deadlines

12/1/2013SunDeadlinePPT/Prezi Submission
Name the file, "RA_Commercial_YOURNAME" and save it into Unit4 subfolder in Google Drive.
* If you use Prezi, please get a link and copy it to the MS word document. Save the MS word doc with the file name above.
12/2/2013MonClassPeer Practice / Workshop
12/3/2013TueDeadlineFINAL version of PPT/Prezi Submission
12/4/2013WedPresentation 1Ruixin, Yui, Connie, Danny, Patrick
12/6/2013FriPresentation 2Yifan, Samuel, JB, Skiffer, Heather
12/9/2013MonPresentation 3Liu, Rao, Kevin, Rui
12/3/2013TueDeadlineReflection Essay2 Submission
12/11/2013WedClassICES/ Last day

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