Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day14: Paraphrasing

Objectives: We will be able to...
  1. Understand the concept of paraphrase and the reasons why the skill of paraphrasing in college academic writing is important.
  2. Understand several specific techniques of paraphrasing.
  3. Practice paraphrasing a point from the reading.

Warm-up and Discussion (15 min)
Vote for the best description of "Paraphrasing" after talking to your neighbors.
Paraphrasing Definition Poll

Learn More about Paraphrasing (15min)

But WHY Paraphrasing?
Transition Activity: Quick Group Work 
Function of Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing Technique 

Caveats: Strong vs. Weak Versions

Practice and Pair work (20 min)

Paraphrasing Challenge

Please PARAPHRASE the main points for paragraph #4 and #5 with your group members.
After discussion, post your own version of paraphrase. 
When you post your paraphrases, do NOT include your names.
Homework due Sep. 29th, Sunday, 11:59PM
1. First Draft of Compare/Contrast Paragraph 
Write a paragraph that compares/contrasts between organic food and conventional food.
You can choose either point-by-point or block organization. 
  • Please remember to include the signal words we have learned.
  • Name the file "CompareContrast_draft_YOURNAME". 
  • Save/upload the file into the Unit2. subfolder of your Google Drive.
  • Word limit: 200-250 words
NOTE: The final version of all the paragraphs you are writing in Unit2. is due Oct. 20th, Sunday. 11:59PM
In this draft, please include at least ONE strong version of paraphrase when you use the information from the article. The Difference Between Organic and Conventional Foods 

2. Writer's Help OPTIONAL Reading

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